主演: Julian John 莱斯利·格兰瑟姆 Terry
简介:A Birmingham-based band are ordered by their unhappy record company to an old warehouse; the goal being to re-start their ailing careers with a kick-ass new promo video. Unfortunately the band and their entourage find themselves targets of a mysterious knife-wielding maniac, haunted by the voice of Satan, and out for revenge. A British band are ordered by their unhappy record company to an old warehouse, with the goal being to re-start their careers with a kick-ass new promo video. Unfortunately they find themselves the target of a mysterious knife-wielding maniac in this bloody British slasher! Love Meets Murder - the once popular rock'n'metal band, now down on their luck and their careers, seek to create their 'magnum opus'. Locked into a Wednesbury studio for the weekend nobody is able to leave - but before the band have just finished tearing into their new hit, a series of mysterious murders begin to plague them all. Now only their own self-belief can save them from the psychotic mind of their assailant.
主演:谭咏麟 刘德华 陈玉莲 关之琳 黄智强 向华强 高雄 龙方 仇云波 沈
语言:汉语普通话 / 英语
简介:有“亚洲第一快手”之称的陈亚蟹(刘德华 饰)因出老千入狱,刑满出狱后,他的搭档Sam(谭咏麟 饰)第一时间令助手波波(关之琳 饰)迎接。亚蟹刚获得自由,便同Sam合演了一出里应外合扮猪吃老虎的好戏。不久,两人受朋友所托,远赴美国调查日本出千团伙,结果顺利为赌场挽回损失,令日本人颜面扫地,日本方面自此寻机报复。Sam在美国结识了富家大小姐童可人(陈玉莲 饰),Sam使出众多浪漫桥段抱得美人归,也令岳父接纳了自己,但代价却是要疏远亚蟹等不体面的朋友。同时,日本出千集团首脑宫本父子加紧了报仇的步骤,亚蟹为搭救Sam,被对方废了自己引以为傲的快手。面对宫本的咄咄逼人,亚蟹与Sam兄弟俩终于再次联手对敌。
主演:Khiyla Aynne Elizabeth Ellsworth Ma
导演:Marco Deufemia Justin G. Dyck
简介:For the first time ever, two junior Elves have to leave home after losing an entire town's letters to Santa. While attempting to blend into small town life, they set out to retrieve every missing wish before Christmas Eve